Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Dear Loni

Hey Loni! This blog is answering your question so here it goes:

I completey agree with your comment. All four of those conclusions could be why someone would become an aetheist. I've met different people that seem to have turned to aetheism for at least one of those reasons.

I mainly wrote the blog for why there is a God although I only went into the one example about: "How can I believe something I don't understand?"

I probably could have expanded upon why someone would choose aetheism but I was in the mode! Ya know? But I completely agree with what you said though. All four of those are reasons for why someone would choose aetheism. The most experience I've had with an aetheist is with someone close to both you and me. I've heard this person's arguement and for the most part is that he doesn't understand the entire concept. But I can tell there are some disgruntled feelings about some of the people they've met in the church and the feeling of guilt they would have when they were told they were doing something wrong. The reason I believe those reasons is that they're not looking for answers. This person just wants to ask the question.
Maybe I assume too much but that's how I see this person's position. (I still love this person to death because they've been an amazing friend. Not trying to dis on him or anything.)

So mainly, in my last blog, I was just trying to explain why there was a God and should've gone into why people would believe this instead of just giving one reason. That was my bad. Anyway...

Thanks for the comment and be sure to tell me what you think about what I said. You're awesome Loni! Glad other people than family are reading... it makes me feel better about blogging. Hehe... I love your comments mom and Summer and I'm happy you all take time out of your day to read what I've written. It means a lot to me. Love you guys! :)


Summer said...

Well I love to read what you've written. I can't believe my little bro is all grown up. :)

Loni said...

Awww, imagine my surprise to see a blog addressed to me! It's your blog and there are no should'ves or my bad's about it. You sounded like you wanted conversation, so I gave it to you. No contending, just extending the discussion. In my endeavor to give you conversation, I failed to mention how much I liked what you had to say about god being the master of his element.

I have been privileged to have known and had the opportunity to have in depth discussions several people who claim to be Atheist or Agnostic and some who are just contemplating the adoption of those beliefs. That's where my theory stems from, but that's just my personal experience.

I know you're not dissing anybody. I think you're right in that person we both know and love probably has some lack of understanding of the concept as well as disgruntlement. You say that all they like to do is ask the question. You are right. What I think it really comes down to more than anything else is that they don't really want to know if there is a god. It's easier that way. Thus your conclusions in your previous blog are just about right in this particular case. Feel free to email me if you want to talk more.